Every now and then I feel stuck, or inspired, or maybe a little of both… That’s when I usually reach out and do a model call… And let the creativity begin! Sometimes, to get past that stuck feeling, I need to create something very specific, just for me… In this case it was using all the red roses for a red-themed portrait. And my vision was realized and its just so darn gratifying to take something in your head and make it into a real tangible thing. Its a process, this creativity thing.
Boise Barista turned Model
The day Lovely Lia created beautiful fashion, boudoir, creative portraits in Meridian, ID
I met Lia in downtown Boise at a coffee shop and immediately knew that I HAD to photograph her. She moved like a dancer, and had the most beautiful hair and eyes and was simply stunning. Now how to approach someone, tell them these things and not scare them away.... ! Thankfully Lia was excited to model for me and we were able to create an absolutely STUNNING shoot together at my Meridian Idaho studio. Gorgeous portraits that toe the line between traditional portrait, fashion portrait, and boudoir.... This is my happy place. Lovely Lia has moved from the Treasure Valley, and now works as a skincare specialist and is pursuing her career in dance and music far away from the Northwest, but I will be forever grateful for the day I was brave enough to ask for this shoot and she was kind enough to agree :)
Pregnancy Announcement Shoot: Soon to be 3! // Abilene Texas Portrait Photographer
So very happy for my friends who will be welcoming their little one this coming summer! What an exciting time - filled with anticipation, new experiences and joy!
Tracy - Modern Glamour Professional Head Shot // Abilene, Texas Portrait Photographer
Tracy came in for ONE headshot for her website. But with a little conversation, we both found that the glamour experience was exactly what she was looking for - - even if she only "needed" one image, the Glamour Experience is one that EVERY woman should have. And the results: Perfection. She was very well prepared, had an amazing wardrobe and absolutely rocked her session. In the end, she had more images that she loved than she ever expected -- which means, job well done on my end :) I love surpassing my clients expectations! Now she not only has a stunning image for her website, she also has an elegantly beautiful album that will be treasured by her young daughter - and someday, her grandchildren. And while creating these images, she had a morning to be herself. To celebrate the beautiful strong professional woman who loves and cares for her family. For one day, to be the star of the show.
Photographing a Photographer // Abilene, TX Portrait Photographer
What an awesome experience to get to create a day of beauty celebrating this talented photographer, dear friend and gorgeous woman!
I knew from the moment I met Andrea that she would be a dream to photograph - and boy was I right. She is beautiful inside and out and seriously the most deserving of women to have a day of pampering and beauty all to herself. She somehow manages to homeschool 4 children, run her home, and a photography business, help other photographers (me) with her mad Photoshop skills, and look sweet, refreshed and fabulous at the same time!

Expectant Beauty // Abilene, TX Portrait Photographer
Glowing with expectant beauty:
I was so happy to be able to celebrate this moment with Sarah. Motherhood absolutely suits this lovely mama. Such happiness.
Gorgeous Kara // Abilene, TX Portrait Photographer
I have been looking forward to this Modern Glamour Photoshoot for months! It was so much fun spending a morning pampering and playing dress up while celebrating beauty in this lovely wife, mother and courageous woman.