Tracy came in for ONE headshot for her website. But with a little conversation, we both found that the glamour experience was exactly what she was looking for - - even if she only "needed" one image, the Glamour Experience is one that EVERY woman should have. And the results: Perfection. She was very well prepared, had an amazing wardrobe and absolutely rocked her session. In the end, she had more images that she loved than she ever expected -- which means, job well done on my end :) I love surpassing my clients expectations! Now she not only has a stunning image for her website, she also has an elegantly beautiful album that will be treasured by her young daughter - and someday, her grandchildren. And while creating these images, she had a morning to be herself. To celebrate the beautiful strong professional woman who loves and cares for her family. For one day, to be the star of the show.